Apr 05, 2019

Nov 21, 2011 How to connect two / three / four routers working 2. Make sure that your MAIN router is set up to provide internet connection. Simply connect your computer directly to the MAIN router and attempt to access any website. Do not proceed with any other steps until MAIN router is set up properly and you have working internet connection. How to set up router connection for Lan-Lan or Lan-Wan Jan 21, 2019 Setup : CUJO LLC

How To Setup Two or More Routers Together (Port Forwarding

Smart hub 2 or TP link router ? - BT Community I was given a smart hub 2 as part of a package upgrade, is there any reason I should use this instead of the TP link archer I was using previously ? (bought to replace the HH2 !). We have been getting occasional slow speed and dropouts during lockdown but had put this down to increased traffiic. Jun 02, 2020 · Perform the initial router setup. Connect your main router to your modem via an Ethernet cable, then connect your computer to the router via a different Ethernet cable. If you're using a Mac, you most likely don't have an Ethernet port on your computer. You can buy an Ethernet to USB-C (also known as "Thunderbolt 3") adapter to fix this problem.

Two Routers on One Switch - Cisco Community

Jun 30, 2017 Setting Up - How To: One Internet connection - Two Private